Monday 28 December 2009

Green Brochures

Brochures or pamphlets are commonly used for advertising events, places, hotels, products, services, etc. This is surely informative for people to get more information but the problems about paper brochures are they are produced in mass quantities and a lot of excess waste is generated. This certainly has an impact to the environment and to tackle this problem, Save Our Trees, a non profit international environment project is promoting the use of digital green brochures to reduce paper consumption. They also provide a free conversion from printed brochures into a 3D page digital format.

An example of digital green brochure,

This is certainly a good way to make deforestation lesser where from the statistics from this project shows that by converting 240,000 pages of brochures, magazines, manuals and catalogues saves around 700,000 trees per year. portal is also part of this project where the aim of this project is to give out information to tourists before going to the places they wish to travel. They hope to give out the most accurate information and also to reduce printed brochures so that less trees will be cut down for printing purposes.

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